Saturday 18 August 2007

Trip Report : Pointe de lapaz and le Breveret

My last walking day in the Alps and as the day was so clear I decided to make it a long one. Le Breveret and its highest geocache were always on the agenda but I thought I would make it a bit more of a challenge.

Having been dropped off at the animal park above Les Houches I promptly follows a narrow track into the woods and had to fight back onto the main path not the best of starts. However once on the proper track it is fairly easy if long going initially in woodland then broken trees and finally on a bare hillside. Climbing is steady with stunning views of Mont Blanc before finally you find youself depositied at the Refuge de bel Lachat.

Choices now abound the obvious is to keep on up to the summit but never one for the obvious I headed west into the valley below the Pointe de lapaz before picking up an obvious track heading directly for the end of its ridge following it up and over the summit with its trig marker before dropping down to Aguilette des houches and back though the upland valley back to the refuge.

Not something to do on a bad day but in the bright sunshine it makes a very nice airy diversion on easy terrain with great views to the west.

This now leaves the push on to the main summit, there is of course a clear path all the way but that isn't much fun. Instead keep to the right of the track and climb two or three minor outliers before cutting back to the path just after pt 2293. That can be tricky especially if you stay high for too long but once back on the path its just grit your teeth and climb. Nothing difficult barely a hand required just good old fashioned up.

The summit is of course overcrowded with those that can afford the cable car but a short continuation on along the track to Planpraz everything quietens down and its soon walkers only. Great news as this is some of the most dramatic scenery of the day and the cable car riders are not close to it.

However this walk had one final sting in the tail for me on leaving Planpraz I started to encounter route closed due to falling rock signs and it soon became apparent that the whole of the slope down direct to Chamonix was a no go area. Instead you are pushed NE on the VTT route before heading east at the Chalet de chalanon and coming out at the NE end of town or as I did take advantage of your lift picking you up in la praz.

Full photoset from this walk can be found on Flickr here

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