Saturday, 16 February 2008

Trip report : Away in the Hirnants

There is something about the Hirnants that can bring out the worst in you. Its really a no mans land between the Berwyns and the Aran ridges that struggles to peek over the 200ft level.

Its saving grace is a road that splits it in two and a forestry track that turns 8km of heather each way into something far more palatable.

Today however was a great day for the walk cold but no wind and the kind of hazy view that is the curse of the photographer in the hills but actually gives better results when looked at on screen at home. As normal I opted for the clockwise loop. I prefer a steep descent of Foel Goch not a slog climb up.

Not the greatest of walks better in the heather season but for a long stretch out after a frustratingly wet few months it was a great day

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